Why I Believe in Extraterrestrial Life

By Viscinary – June 6 2021 at 18:30

3 min readJun 6, 2021

The definition of extraterrestrial life according to Britannica is life that may exist or may have existed in the universe outside of Earth. For many years, humans have tried to search for extraterrestrial life, but to no avail. Nonetheless, I have and will always believe in the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life. It would be a privilege to witness their existence – a peaceful civilization that is – before I leave this world.

In 1961, the U.S. astrophysicist Frank Drake proposed an equation now known as the Drake equation. The equation is shown in the photo below.

Image by “What is the Fermi Paradox?” on ExtremeTech by Ryan Whitwam on January 18, 2017.

Inserting the minimum numbers into the equation for each variable gives a minimum of N=20. Inserting the maximum numbers into the equation for each variable would give a maximum of N=50,000,000. Yes, you read that right, 50 million. Assuming the equation is 100% accurate and there are so many intelligent civilizations, why have we not stumbled upon any of them? I think the burning question most people have is, where are all these intelligent beings if they exist? I think that that topic deserves an article of its own and will discuss it in the near future.

Image taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope showcases the galaxy cluster ACO S 295, as well as a jostling crowd of background galaxies and foreground stars. Credit to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), European Space Agency (ESA), Hubble, F. Pacaud, and D. Coe.

That topic aside, the following are the two main reasons I believe in the existence of intelligent beings outside of Earth.

  1. The universe is currently estimated to possess a diameter of 93 billion light-years. In this vast expanse of stars, planets, solar systems, and galaxies, it would be strange for us to be the only form of intelligent life. The probability of us being alone in the universe is probably lower than the probability of there being other intelligent beings. It would be arrogant of us to believe that the universe — not physically — revolves around us and that we are the only sentient form of life.
  2. There are so many other planets in the Goldilocks Zone — a habitable zone around a star where the temperature is just right for liquid water to exist — around the universe. The conditions on many other planets are as optimal if not more so than earth for intelligent life to evolve and develop.

Here is an interesting short story that was written by American author Terry Bisson: They’re Made out of Meat. The story expresses the idea that nobody completely understands everything. It also suggests the possibility of sentient beings from other galaxies having — contrary to what many people believe — a completely different body composition that does not compose of “meat”.

Disclaimer: All views expressed through my account — Viscinary — are my own and do not represent the opinions of any entity whatsoever with which I have been, am now, or will be affiliated. If you disagree with my views or hope to share more with me, I always welcome a civilised discussion through email (theviscinary@gmail.com). It would be my privilege to learn from what you have to teach me!




Passionate about a multitude of things. Writes short articles from time to time whenever inspired.